8 Things You Didn’t Know About SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE

After five long months of writing, Simply Irresistible is now published. The book was always a ‘might not complete’ kind of thing for me. My ‘outside’ life has been pretty busy since the beginning of the year, and writing was last on my list of priorities. But I’m glad the story is done now.

I really enjoyed writing about Tanner and Zuri. They were a complicated couple and sometimes, were very very frustrating. But they suit each other… I think. What do you think?

While writing there were so many things I couldn’t add to the book because then we’d have a 200,000 word behemoth. So below is a bit of the behind the scenes information that didn’t make it into the book. If you haven’t read the book, you should do that before you read the rest of this post. There will be many, many spoilers.


After experiencing the worst heartbreak of her life, 27 year-old ZURI KINSLOW no longer believes in love. She thought her ex-husband, Roberto, was her soul-mate. But he ended up betraying her with his boss’s daughter, Cat.

After her divorce, Zuri decides to focus on her career and its growth. But that plan changes when she and Cat cross paths again.

33 year-old TANNER CROSS is hot as sin, filthy rich and charming. He is many women’s dream. Unfortunately, his parents’ dysfunctional relationship completely destroyed his trust in love. He is not interested in anything more than fun.

The moment he meets Zuri, he is attracted to her, and he is determined to make her another notch on his bed post. But would he want to do the same if he knew her real agenda?


A lot of readers were understandably angry that Zuri would choose to drag Tanner into her revenge. He’s an innocent bystander. All I can say about her choices is that she’s not a perfect woman and she makes bad choice. It’s not an excuse but please consider how far up the wall Cat drove her. This woman not only stole her husband, but she pushed Zuri thus making her lose her baby. Worse, she showed zero remorse and continued to needle Zuri. Wouldn’t you want to get back at her?


Ah! The ex-husband.

In the book, it’s mentioned that at first he was sorry about his affair but once Zuri mentioned divorce he completely flipped on her. He even claimed that she was the one who was having an affair and that the baby wasn’t his. Afterwards, he kept calling Zuri to make sure that she hadn’t moved on from him.

The man currently has a fiancée. However, he still keeps tabs on Zuri, mostly to make sure that she isn’t doing better than him. Obviously, her relationship with Tanner will piss him off. Luckily, Zuri has blocked him on every avenue so he can tell it to the birds.


Isaac Walker, Willow’s dad, is a typical deadbeat. He has twelve kids by eight women including Lori. What did Lori see in him? Well, he’s hot, a smooth talker, and has gives good pipe. Given her traumatic upbringing and bad taste in men, it’s no wonder that Lori was drawn to him.

Though it wasn’t mentioned in the book, Lori tried to facilitate a relationship with him and Willow. But Isaac is too busy skirt chasing, and Willow is too disgusted with him to put in effort.


Another one of Lori’s bad relationships is with Paul Garber. The man is the face of narcissism. Women are disposable to him. And his children only matter if they are useful.

Before Lori, he had three other wives and four children. After Lori he had two other wives and three children. He is currently engaged to a twenty-six-year-old girl. If you’re counting that he is currently preparing for his seventh marriage, and Tanner has six other siblings (one unfortunately passed away).

The only good thing about Paul is that he takes care of his ex-wives and children financially. Even though he rarely deals with them when they’re young, he still supports all of them. So I guess that makes him better than Willow’s dad?


I like Gideon… as do a lot of you lol. Well, Gideon is a single. Yeah, he’s a dad too, but the kid, David, is sweet. How did he become a single dad? Well, his ex was… disturbed. Even though she and Gideon had a good thing, she had affairs with several people.

When Gideon found out about the affairs (someone sent him a video of his ex getting busy with three men), he ended the relationship. Later, she revealed that she was pregnant. After doing a paternity test to certify that David was his, Gideon went to court for joint custody. However, his ex decided that she wasn’t interested in being a parent anyway and one day, she just dumped the toddler on Gideon and disappeared. She is currently in New York doing God knows what.

Gideon is raising his son with the help of his father, who is a widower. As you can see, they need a good woman in that family. Maybe I’ll give them one in the future.


Zuri and Tanner get married eight month after the end of the book. It’s a small destination wedding in Santorini, Greece. On their wedding night, Zuri reveals that she is pregnant. They go on to have a daughter, Sky, then two sons (Cameron & Amari) later.

Zuri stays as the head-chef of The Sarco Oven. She and the other owners go on to open a New York, Los Angeles, Savannah, and Miami branch of The Sarco Oven. The plan is to go international in the future.


This song has been out of a while. It’s a 2007 hit, and I hadn’t heard it for several years until I accidentally came across it, and now I can’t stop listening to it. It made for a great listen when writing Tanner and Zuri’s… ahem… saucy scenes. Take a listen, tell me what you think.

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